One of the smaller islands in the Babar Islands group, the dive site in Dai mostly consists of steep slopes covered in various colors of corals and sponges. For macro enthusiasts, the species of pygmy seahorses, frogfish, and ghost pipefish will undoubtedly become the ultimate magnet.
Dai Island is also the home of different species of reef fish, such as triggerfish, angelfish, butterflyfish, and parrotfish, among others. Barracudas, trevallies, groupers, tuna, and Napoleon wrasses are also abundant in the region.
Big fish species like blacktip, whitetip, and greytip sharks are often seen in the area, as well as whip sharks, hammerhead sharks, and Atlantic threshers. Dolphins and whales sometimes make appearances as Dai Island is in the route of migration of these giant mammals.